Wednesday, August 12, 2009

vroom, vroom.

Would you like to know the funny part?

it's pretty much an exact replica of what I created in my mind.

nothing remains. as does no one.

so, please. do us all a favor and keep it that way. no one needs to know the real reason behind those pathetic scars left around your face.

it's a secret that you promised to keep.

a secret that if you know you let loose, will come and pick your atrocious face out from an excited crowd and pound your skin into the ground.

You will scream. and cry. and kick. and blood will fly everywhere, but no one will notice. no one will care. for you, my friend, deserve every blast that is thrown at you. and you know that, don't you?

so please, wait a while to come and find me.

because, if you arrive too prompt, I may remove your breathing pattern.

This is only to caution you. Do not walk around in your life with a constant fear of breath loss...this is only a mere reminder of what will sit in the back of your mind for the rest of your life.

So please, do me a favor and get the hell out of my pillow. my head would like to lie there without your dull thoughts boring into my brain.

Thank you. Thank you for removing yourself from the premises.

I'm assuming we'll meet again.

In about sixty years?

Let's hope so...Let's hope for the best.

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