Sunday, October 18, 2009

"Never forgive."

I realized just then,
I have no idea why I still care.

I don't, that's just it, I don't care.
Sorry...but I just can't help it...I DON'T CARE.

And because I don't, I've just transformed you into one of my fingers that I rip to it's last breath. So...BLEED. Go on, BLEED.

My god I hope it kills you. those lips curl down, and your eyes tear red blood. I hope those tears swallow up your eyes to the point where you can't see anymore.

I hope one day, you become blind. Because then, maybe I could feel some sort of remorse towards your being.

But, until that day. I hope the Moonlight burns your skin all the way through to core of your heart.




...Moon. (ha.)

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