Friday, January 1, 2010

inner monologue of a certain character. her name is CARRIE.

Here's the deal. I guess it's understood that you are unable to understand ... being that you haven't really had the chance or experience of growing up yet.
but. just. I dunno. care about something.
even though it's cool to act as though you don't (care). I promise. you'll be better off if you think sometimes.
even green balloon's and bitten halves of pizza are something to care about.
but, the thing is. you just take take take. always your way or the HIGH WAY.
it's not okay.
even when it comes to sleeping positions. or rope swings. or flashing colors.
yet, you are still sexy. supposedly ???
I see through to the bony toes and the fat shoulders.
and so will everybody else.
... if you don't shape up, sweetie pie.

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