Sunday, January 31, 2010

I forgot again,

But all I needed was a little boost from my eyes in order to get me to remember.

Like I always say...

"I'll see ya."

Sunday, January 24, 2010


... they felt it. I mean, the thing is. is that I felt it less than they did. Is that logical?

I just want that feel of delicacy. That feel of silence and lace-y undergarments.

Silence. That's what I need right now. To be silent and held.


I want to listen to him complain about his hilarious, pathetic life. While I desire her rage.

To lie there endlessly with no words slipping from my mouth... just the juiciest conversation one could ever imagine. With no voices of course.



Calm me down. That's all.

Friday, January 22, 2010


And, all I can wish and hope for is that I keep this grin strapped on forever.

Monday, January 18, 2010

I dunno what this lightning storm is.
or where it came from.
But it sure as all HELL is comforting.

Sunday, January 17, 2010



*Doo a diddy diddy dum diddy dooooooo.*

Friday, January 15, 2010

Big White Cars.

Something new and exciting.



Makes me smile.
Unexpectedly adorable.
Spilling my eyes out,
I didn't even notice you were listening so

It's too crazy.

Yes, too crazy.

Familiar, and at the same look, a 'NEVER SEEN BEFORE' outbreak.
Too close?
I don't think so.

But I'll just keep it my dirty little secret.

I guess it's not so dirty.


Just my little secret.

I'm so happy I know how to move my hips like 'yeah.'

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Black Nights.

I don't know how.
But it smells like you again.
I dunno.
I still am.
And, I always knew it meant ALWAYS.
Those green eyes that seem to turn into a deep hole everytime they get stuck.
I always knew,
and I always meant.
But blips within that always are allowed. For everyone.
So now, I will take that blip of my own and keep laughing for real. Because this laughter makes every street sign the best green thing I could ever see.
or, maybe it's the little weasle's green leafed eye patch.
either way.
it's still an intoxicating green of happy screams.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Short and long for...

There was half of one last night.
All though the thought and assumption was to be that is was in fact NEW. Well, I looked later on and no sir. Only half way there.
But for me, that's the perfect amount. Because you see...nothing sticks anymore. But in a good way.
That velcrow belt that I used to wear... you know? The one with the pink and black and purple and blue...?
Yeah. I dunno I seemed to have ripped that off and now a red satin ribbon is wrapped around me, just once. I can see everything.
The word I'm thinking of. Can you guess?
I never thought I could understand it.
But I do. And now, when I see red...I SEE RED.
Ah! How lovely. Really.
How lovely.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

did you uhhh, take it like a grown man?

Friday, January 1, 2010

inner monologue of a certain character. her name is CARRIE.

Here's the deal. I guess it's understood that you are unable to understand ... being that you haven't really had the chance or experience of growing up yet.
but. just. I dunno. care about something.
even though it's cool to act as though you don't (care). I promise. you'll be better off if you think sometimes.
even green balloon's and bitten halves of pizza are something to care about.
but, the thing is. you just take take take. always your way or the HIGH WAY.
it's not okay.
even when it comes to sleeping positions. or rope swings. or flashing colors.
yet, you are still sexy. supposedly ???
I see through to the bony toes and the fat shoulders.
and so will everybody else.
... if you don't shape up, sweetie pie.